Our projects



Upcoming streaming service

NIMO is the work title for an upcoming VOD streaming service.



We are exclusive partner to the Danish Film Academy

VisionsKompagniet is exclusive production partner of Robert Prisen - the annual award from the Danish Film Academy.
We produce a more than 5 hour long live stream of the entire award show - and with interviews of winners from our studio. In 2021 the award show will be online with all nominees and winners calling in live. www.robertprisen.dk

Skærmbillede 2020-05-13 kl. 14.33.44.png


Let you come close to world class artists.

We create unique and touching online concert experiences with no compromise in picture or sound.
CAST VENUE has emerged from a vision of letting the audience get close to the performer. Our  photographers and producers bring you very close to the expression and the empathy of the artist. After each concert there will be a session where you can ask questions to the artist about the experience you both just had.